9/11 2001

Idag ska vi hedra alla som gick bort av terror dådet i USA. Jag var där tvillingtornen stod i New York för en sommar sen och dem bygger upp en memoar till alla som gick bort då. Idag i New York ska bygget vara klart och dem ska säga alla namn som gick bort under dådet. Men låt alla vila i frid och hoppas inte nått sånt här händer igen. <3

Friday, October 30, 1998

Denna dag var mellan liv och död för mig. Och om jag inte hade en sådan tur som jag hade skulle jag inte finnas nu.

Stora Artickeln
Shock at accident girl's 999 wait
Ambulance chiefs today explained why an injured youngster was kept waiting almost twice as long as she should have for an amulance after being run over.
The Sussex Ambulance Service received five emergency calls after four-year-old Anna Sohl was in collision with a Ford Fiesta in Church Road, Burgess Hill, yesterday lunchtime.
They made the incident a prioroty - one in which they aim to arrive within eight minutes. But Anna, from Barnside Avenue in Burgess Hill waited at least 13 minutes.
Ken Smith, depudy chief executive of the Sussex Ambulance Service, said the nearest available paramedics were several miles away in Lewes. He pointed out that the Sussex service was not only meeting Government response targets, but also improving on them.
But some people at the scene were shocked at the length of time it took for the ambulance to arrive.
eric Collard, owner of Disco Carpets, praised the paramedics' work but added: "It seems obviouse that they need more money to pay for more staff and amboulances."
Leg X-rays revealed Anna had severe bruising and cuts.

Lilla Artikeln
Tot hurt
A four-year-old girl was knocked down by a car in Church Road, Burgess Hill, last Thursday.
Anna Sohl was taken to Princess Royal Hospital, Haywards Heath, for treatment to minior injuries.

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